IoT Companies and Providers
These companies are the true thought leaders and experts in the IoT space. We make every effort to ensure that any company that is part of the Marketplace community has a proven track record of IoT success and verified offerings that you can explore and adopt. If you’re looking to join this community, or have questions about any of the companies listed below, please reach out to our team!
Skysens helps enterprises in manufacturing, logistics, and government gain control over their critical infrastructure.
Vizzia Technologies delivers real-time location systems (RTLS) and advanced process improvement solutions.
Conure is a one-stop-shop for your IoT solution implementation. Conure’s experience and expertise in the ICT industry makes Conure uniquely qualified to building and delivering end-to-end IoT solutions.
With our unique ability to offer end-to-end solutions that connect the three pillars of IoT - Sensors, Software, and Services, we enable businesses to move from the traditional to the digital.
Create amazing IoT solutions with the akenza low-code IoT platform. With its self-service and low complexity features, your project will be up and running in no time!
Centrica Business Solutions helps organisations to balance the demands of planet and profit. We’re accelerating the journey to a low-carbon, cost-efficient future.
Developing innovative energy harvesting technologies to power low-consumption devices such as IoT sensors, remote controllers, and tracking systems.
Providing IoT and Blockchain solutions, optimizing operations in agriculture, logistics, and manufacturing.
SAS is a leader in data and AI, offering IoT analytics and edge-computing solutions.
Industrial-strength modular system for asset monitoring to digitize physical infrastructure.
Leader in IoT that brings new levels of awareness to indoor air quality
A leading automation company aiming to solve social issues through its technology.